fredag 28 augusti 2009

Teacher kissing 14 year old spared jail because bad heart

Once more we hear the storry about a criminal being spared jail because some ailment that would make it to hard on the criminal. This time the report comes from the U.K., and its a teacher forcibly kissing a 14 year old girl. 14 years old! and getting away with a slap on the wrist. This is not isolated to britain, the trend is the same in many countries in Europe, not the least my own; there is allways some reason that makes the people, choosen to protect the citizens, to find something turning the perptrator into a victim. Why is it a reason to spare a childmolester from a prison sentence because it would be to hard on his heart? Come on! He commited a crime against a child! Apparently, it might not be the first time either. The big joke is the judge claiming to act in the interest of pupils and public. Like Lexie from the US says: You do the crime. You do the time!

This is not about being vengefull against people commiting crimes. It is to uphold one of the basic fundaments of a civilized nation. That people should be able to pursue their lifes goal and the search of happinies, without fear from either criminals or tyrants. Thus, criminals must be put in jail for the protection of the public regardless of them having a medical condition that could be worsened from jail-time. Otherwise you sentence law-abiding people to the jail of fear, having people with a "bad" heart on the loose. This understanding of the criminal, by the justice-system, may be called an act of mercy, but I say it is an act of imorallity against the people you are put to protect.

There are every reason to treat criminals as humane as can be - in jail! Not by having them on our streets. And, in the end, even those ever so understanding of people wouldn't like their daughters end up alone in a room with a teacher eager to explore their sex-life.

The link to Daily Mail:

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