fredag 28 augusti 2009

Time to change the aproach towards Iran

Today Haaretz reports about Iran admitting to have reached the stage called "Detonation" in their process towards getting nuculear weapons (anybody still doubting that, especially if this IAEA report is true?). As many have said for years; this is the goal of the Iranian regime. Think of the future with nukes in the hands of an apocalyptic-leaning regime in Teheran, arming it self for the final battle, ushering in the era of the Mahdi. Does President Obama still believe this is a regime that can be reasoned with? Does the American administration have the abillity to re-examine its positions, or are they to locked in to the Obama-reach-out-to-the-muslim-world agenda to be able to see the reallity for what it is?

Here is the article from Haaretz:

Read it all

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